Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rocky Mountian Wild

Well, the Grand Adventure is well underway. We left Pearland Saturday August 7 around 8am, a little later than we had intended but oh well. One thing I can say for riding the bike in Texas in August is that it is HOT!! But we survied and made it to Abilene about 4:30.

After a good night's sleep we headed out to Palo Duro Canyon. Another hot day in Texas but we saw some great scenery. Arrived at the canyon and checked in to our cabin and cooled off , Did a quick tour of the Canyon and the to the theatre for the play "Texas".

Cow Camp Cabin Palo Duro Canyon

The play wasn't over until about eleven so that meant that we had to sleep quick because we were up at six the next morning and on the road by 7 :15. after a quick stop for breakfast in Amarillo we headed north on US287 into Ok and on into Colorado. Long roads with nothing but corn feilds and ranch land to look at for 400 miles, but it was cooler. We did run into a lot of rain Denver but we had wisely decided to put on rain gear when we saw the clouds ahead. Finally made it to the Rocky Mountians Park about 6:30CT and got checked in, got the tent set up and had a quick dinner of canned stew and crackers.Our first night in the tent wasn't too bad. It was cold but we stayed warm snuggled together. We woke to a beautiful morning with the sun coming up over the mountians. Took our time getting up and going but what are vacations for.
We spent most of the day Tuesday touring the beautiful town of Estes Park, even had lunch a a lovely place on the river.
In other words folks we are having a great time, so back to it. Will update when we reach Utah.


Anonymous said...

love you guys!

Kathleen Holt said...

Oh that's fabulous! You two are 'living' the life in style! have a wonderful, safe journey...maybe it will cool a little before you come home...blessings on the journey!

Mary Hoffpauir said...

I'm soooo jealous!!!! Stay safe and bring home some cooler weather. Bye the way Connie is doing good!!!! Hopefully home by Sunday or Monday!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi you 2, hope the weather is good and that you are enjoying yourselves. Enjoy this time together, and all the sights you will see. All is well here, Charlie had his 5th angioplasty last week, but is doing great. Take care, have fun!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot, Charlie and I have been to Estes Park and you are right, it is beautiful!