Friday, August 27, 2010

We Did It!!

    On Thursday we left Wellington, Co. and made our way to Colorado Springs and on over to Green Mountian Falls to the Lone Duck Campground. Got all set up decided to stay put even though it was only 3:30. Had a good evening, even met another biking couple across from our site.
Our site at Lone Duck Campground
    This morning after a quick breakfast we mounted up and head for the quest. The mighty Pike's Peak lay ahead of us. It was quite a ride and a lot of switchbacks but it was great and we made it all the way to the top. 14,110 feet above sea level. What a view!  After a look around and a cup of coffee and a donut we headed back down. So We Did It, We really, really dit it! And once is quite enough but I'm glad that we were able to do it. And no Bob there was no snow.

The Quest

    After a quick lunch of barbque we decided to see the Garden of the Gods. This was interesting but it was starting to get hot so we just did a quick drive through with a stop at the Trading Post and the Visitor center.

The Garden of the Gods Trading Post
    Tomorrow we plan to ride over to Cripple Creek and maybe to Royal Gorge. Hopefully it won't be so hot.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sturgis, Rushmore, Crazy Horse and some Wild Roads.

   Since our last post we have seen quite alot. On Sunday August 22, we left Sherdian, Wy and headed across the plains toward South Dakato. Our first stop was the visitors center where we got all kinds of information on things to do from two very talkative rangers. While there we incountered another Wing rider with the coolest trailer.

Made from an old whiskey barrel and no it was not filled with any liquid refreshments.
   Next stop was in Sturgis where all the action was the weekend before. Kind of quite when we were there. We bought tee shirts, had lunch, took some pictures and headed out. Now we can say that we have been there, done that.
John's happy. He has his tee shirt and he has been fed.

Welcome to Sturgis 2010
   From Sturgis we headed south through Deadwood (without stopping) and on into Keystone to our camp site. After setting up camp we headed into town to have a look around then back to camp for a good night's sleep.

Downtown Keystone, South Dakota

   Monday broke bright and clear but alot cooler, thank you very much. (Sunday was the hottest day there in over three years. 100 degrees) We had a hardy breakfast and then headed out for Mount Rushmore. It is really impressive and we enjoyed walking around seeing it from all the different angles.

Mount Rushmore. Just like the postcard.
   Then we made our way over to the Crazy Horse Monument. It is big, I can say that much and I am sure it will be quite impressive when it is finished. I do admire the man who started it and the vision he and the Lakota Indinas have for it.

The Vision and the way it looks now.
    Next it was time for some fun roads. First we did the Needles Hwy. with all its twists and turns and six one lane tunnels. These are small and narrow and no way can a camper or mobile home go through them. We saw some beautiful country and even some wild life. Most of the roads were really narrow and if passing another vehicle on a curve a tad hairy.

The first and biggest of the one lane tunnels.

This was the tightest one. We had to wait for about six cars to come from the other way.
Then it we took the Wildlife Loop through Custer State Park.The roads weren't quite a curvy but we did see a lot of open grasslands and more wildlife.

These Donkeys came right up to the cars.
   Next and the most fun of all was the Iron Mountian Hwy. More of the single lane tunnels but these lead to what they called pigtail bridges where you went across the bridge and the a tight loop back under it. There were at least 4 or maybe 5 of these and plenty of switchbacks. We even saw some fool in a mobile RV trying to go through one of these tunnels. Don't know if he made it or not. Some people think they know better than the people who put up the signs. 

One of the Pigtail bridges.
    We headed back to camp and a quick supper and then we went back up to Rushmore to see the lighting ceremony. This is really nice the way it is done and at the end they honor all the veterans and active duty and the fanilies of those who have lost some one in combat.

    Tuesday we finally found a quilt store for me to visit. Think I will be able to make if awhile now without going into complete withdrawal.

Quilt Corral at Mistletoe Ranch. Carolyn's happy.
    From there we head toward The Badlands National Park but first a stop at the "World's Oldest Drug Store" the famous Wall Drug Store. This is quite a place. You can find just about every kind of goofy thing there. We had lunch there and a quick look around before heading for the Badlands.

The famous Wall Drug Store. Free Ice Water and 5cent Coffee.
    It is hard to describe the Badlands. Maybe what one would image the moon to look like. Some one told us it was like an upside down volcano. Here are a couple of pictures but I think this is something you have to experience for yourself to appreciate.

The Badlands National Park

    We made our way back to Keystone and camp after that where we started trying to get things ready so we could leave this morning. Although I don't think a person should have to do laundry on vacation, we had to do laundry or wear dirty clothes the rest of the trip. Then a quite evening of just enjoying being together and listening to the night sounds of the mountians.

Packed up and ready to Go.
    That brings us to today. We left camp around nine and made our way south back into Wyoming and then into Colorado. We had planned to stop in Cheyennne Wy but there were no rooms available so we made it to Wellington, Co.  Tomorrow we head into Colorado Springs to tackle the mighty Pikes Peak. I will post from there. So until then, goodnight.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Grand Adventure continues

We left Yellowstone this morning and after a really nice ride to the northeast entrance of the park we headed out across Wyoming with a short loop into Montana so that we could add to our state count. Encounter some really great roads. The first was Cheif Joseph's scenic Highway, quite a few switchbacks with a couple that were right together. John loved them but a couple gave me a little scare. Here is a picture from the top of that mountian.
Looking back the way we came. Cheif Joseph's Scenic Hwy.
Made it to Cody Wy, where we stopped for gas and I found a Quilt store on the way through town. Didn't spent long there because we still had a long way to go.
Our next fun road was Alt. 14. Now that was a trip, first across a long and windy plain then up a big mountian and across another really windy plain to another mountian with some more really curvey (and I mean curvey roads) and we ended our day in Sheridan, Wy.
Tomorrow we head to Sturgis SD and then down to Keystone to see Mt Rushmore. I hope to post more picture later but for now I am going to bed.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Grand Adventure Catch up

My how the days have flown since our last post.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were spent getting all the grandchildern time that we could. What cute kids they all are and we are sure missing them so much. We were even able to get them all awake to kiss and hug on some more before we left on Wednesday morning.
Then off we went heading north into Idaho and then into Wyoming. Our first stop of the day was in Jackson Hole at the visitors center. From there we headed up to the Grand Tetons which are just breathtaking. Didn't stop longer than to take some pictures that we will post later. Then we made our way into Yellowstone National Park. It was really a thrill to finally be here, it's a place that I have heard of all my life and still can hardly beleive that we are here.
Took us quite awhile to get to our camp site because people were stopped all over ther road to look at the
bison. We finally made it to the camp site and got all set up and had dinner. Then we went over and saw the ranger presentation about the big fire here in 1988. Very interesting. By the timer we got back top camp it was time to turn in. Slept pretting good although it was cold.
On Thursday we just rode for most of the day. We went by Norris Geyser Park then on up to Mamouth Park at the northwest corner (sort of) where we had lunch. From there it was off to Roosevelt Corral where we went on a horseback ride out to our Old West Cookout. Now that was fun, and man was the food great. Then it was back on horseback to the corral where we mounted our iron steed and headed back to camp. On the way we saw a beautiful sunset. Another good nights sleep and today we headed out to see Old
Faithful. That was worth the trip. Still more picture to follow. I haven't downloaded them to the computer yet. Our travels today also took us by the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and the upper and lower falls.
We are now back at the Canyon Visitors Center using their power to chare phones and computer and its the only spot we can get an internet signal. We will be heading back to the camp site shortly to start trying to get things ready to leave tomorrow for South Dakota. We will be staying somewhere half way tomorrow night so w should be able to post more pictures then.
Having a wonderful time and the weather has been perfect.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rocky Mountians to Grandchildren

The Grand Adventure continues. After our visit to Estes park on Tuesday we returned to our camp site and while preparing dinner we had a couple visitors that just wondered through. I guess they were use to people
being around because they walked around and through all the camp site for quite awhile. At least it wasn't bears .
On Wednesday August 11 we packed up the trailer for our trip acrosss the 
Rockies. We headed up the Trail Ridge Road and it was a beautiful ride. The crazy part was that they were doing road construction and there were parts where it was one lane going up.                                                                                                                                                   
But we did make it to the top.

After a warming cup of coffee we headed down the other side. This was truely a great ride with lots of switchbacks and curves. A little on the scary side for me in the back seat a couple of times but I did enjoy it.
Then it was across western Colorado and into Utah. We did have to stop and put on rain gear again, but it was never really hard rain. Thought for awhile that we would miss it but then the roadcurved again and we ran through it for awhile.

We ended our day in Naples, Utah.
On Thursday August 12, we headed north up through more mountian and by the Red Canyon,
and into Wyoming, west to Evanston Wy where we headed north again and back into Utah. After one more climb into the mountians to Bear Lake we head down by the Bear River into the Cache Valley  
and into Smithfield where we were greeted by our sweet daughter and five beautiful grandchildren. And there we have been for the last two days getting as many hugs or what ever as is possibly.and there we have been for the past three days. On
Friday we just hung out and enjoyed the kids
That hot dog is as big as Tara
and then on Saturday we went to the county fair, which was a real treat with all the little ones and the bigger ones also. Yeah for fair food!! Funnel cake and ribbon fries, yum!  Today has been a really good day. Church where the younger three girls were dedicated and then home for a nice nap.
We are really having fun and the weather here is great. High eighties in the day time with no humidity. Two more days here then we head to Yellowstone.  I will try to do better with the updates so they won't be so long. See you next time.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rocky Mountian Wild

Well, the Grand Adventure is well underway. We left Pearland Saturday August 7 around 8am, a little later than we had intended but oh well. One thing I can say for riding the bike in Texas in August is that it is HOT!! But we survied and made it to Abilene about 4:30.

After a good night's sleep we headed out to Palo Duro Canyon. Another hot day in Texas but we saw some great scenery. Arrived at the canyon and checked in to our cabin and cooled off , Did a quick tour of the Canyon and the to the theatre for the play "Texas".

Cow Camp Cabin Palo Duro Canyon

The play wasn't over until about eleven so that meant that we had to sleep quick because we were up at six the next morning and on the road by 7 :15. after a quick stop for breakfast in Amarillo we headed north on US287 into Ok and on into Colorado. Long roads with nothing but corn feilds and ranch land to look at for 400 miles, but it was cooler. We did run into a lot of rain Denver but we had wisely decided to put on rain gear when we saw the clouds ahead. Finally made it to the Rocky Mountians Park about 6:30CT and got checked in, got the tent set up and had a quick dinner of canned stew and crackers.Our first night in the tent wasn't too bad. It was cold but we stayed warm snuggled together. We woke to a beautiful morning with the sun coming up over the mountians. Took our time getting up and going but what are vacations for.
We spent most of the day Tuesday touring the beautiful town of Estes Park, even had lunch a a lovely place on the river.
In other words folks we are having a great time, so back to it. Will update when we reach Utah.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The reservations are all made, the route is all mapped out, the bike has been serviced and we have started packing the trailer. Just seven day until the grand adventure begins